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#BOSSIT campaign to help residents explore potential

by mikebell on 29 October, 2017

A new campaign, which aims to help people in the South and Central wards of Weston-super-Mare explore their talents and skills and consider a future career or business that they will love, is under way.

#BOSSIT is aimed at residents in the areas of Bournville, Coronation, Oldmixon, the Potteries and the town centre, who would like to earn money by making the most of what they are good at or who want to make each day different and enjoy what they do.

Through a series of short, lively, neighbourhood events, individuals can explore possibilities, hear from inspirational local business people, gain ideas and ask questions of a friendly and experienced business advisor, before deciding if they would like to take the next step.

The first #BOSSIT event will take place on Thursday 16 November from 10am to noon at the Tropicana in Weston-super-Mare.

The initiative is being backed by local people who have created their own success stories including renowned street artist JPS, Anna Southwell, owner of arts, music and community venue Loves Café, and Steve Mitchell, The School Chef, a well-known local musician, award-winning chef and soon-to-be-published author.

Spearheaded by three local organisations, North Somerset Enterprise Agency, Skills4Work and Westonworks, who specialise in information, advice and guidance on self-employment, employment, career change and improving skills, the #BOSSIT campaign is also being supported by a further 12 organisations.

It is funded by the NatWest Skills and Opportunities Fund, which aims to help build better communities for everyone. This includes enabling people to develop in chosen areas and create or access the skills and opportunities they need to start or develop a new business.


The partners are keen to dispel concerns people may have that they don’t know where to start or don’t have the know-how or abilities to run a business.


The #BOSSIT campaign can be found on Facebook, via the website or by calling 01934 418 118.

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. Jacqui says:

    Thank you for sharing news of the #BOSSIT campaign. It really is worth a look for anyone who is considering their future and what they would really like to do.

    The website address to find #BOSSIT is http://www.northsomersetenterpriseagency.co.uk/bossit

    Pop along to our page to read some inspirational local business success stories.

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