News for Weston-super-Mare Central Ward from local councillors Mike Bell and Robert Payne : serving you on North Somerset Council and Weston-super-Mare Town Council Learn more
by mikebell on 6 April, 2018
This Saturday (7 April) is “Purple Flag Day” in Weston-super-Mare.
The town has been awarded the prestigious Purple Flag for the third consecutive year in recognition of its safe and diverse evening and night-time economy.
It follows a joint submission led by North Somerset Council, Avon and Somerset Police and the Weston Business Improvement District (BID).
Representatives from all the agencies involved in Weston’s night-time and evening economy gathered in Princess Royal Square earlier this month to officially receive the flag.
Towns achieving Purple Flag status are recognised for providing a vibrant mix of night-time entertainment while promoting the safety and wellbeing of visitors and local residents.
This year the Purple Flag day coincides with the popular Eat: Weston food festival in the Italian Gardens and High Street during the day and the Grand Pier fireworks display on the seafront in the evening.
The distinctive purple bus Mavis (multi-agency vehicle in service) will be in Princess Royal Square from 4pm giving residents and visitors the chance to have a look round the StreetSafe bus, meet officers from the council’s community safety and licensing teams and find out more about the multi-agency partnership work that goes on to ensure Weston is a Purple Flag town.
Mavis will then stay in the town centre until 3am providing a hub for police, ambulance, street wardens, street pastors, licensing and other local agencies working in the night-time economy, helping to ensure people have an enjoyable and safe night out.
The bus will be in the town centre every Saturday night until the end of September offering assistance and a safe place to vulnerable people, helping to reduce the strain on other emergency services.
For the latest on Purple Flag Day follow @SaferStrongerNS on Twitter and Safer Stronger North Somerset on Facebook and look out for the hashtag #WestonPurpleFlag on social media on the day.
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